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Assistant DA and assistant SPD: pay progression date [Sec. 9101 (3), (4)] - Act 58
Selective abortions and disability-selective abortion prohibited; civil remedies and injunctive relief provisions [vetoed] - SB593
Divorce, see also Marriage
De novo review in actions affecting the family: procedures and parameters established - Act 205
DETF administered programs: various changes re WRS, abandoned retirement accounts, domestic relations orders, and other corrections (remedial legislation suggested by DETF) - Act 245
Order for child support, family support, or maintenance: annual exchange of financial information specifics - Act 259
Stipulated orders before judgment: judge allowed to enter terms as initial orders in actions for divorce, annulment, or legal separation - Act 204
DNR, see natural resources department of -- specific subheading
DOA, see administration department of -- specific subheading
Dodge County
Beaver Dam Lake restoration appropriation, sunset provision [Sec. 41, 42, 9432 (1)] [41 -- partial veto] - Act 58
Dog licenses, rabies control, and related services: funding transfer [Sec. 22, 9202 (1)] - Act 58
Dogs on the premises of certain retail food establishments: DATCP cannot promulgate rule prohibiting - Act 143
Domestic relations order, see Divorce
Door County
Gibraltar, Town of, authorized to create TIDs in the same manner as a city or village - Act 233
DOT, see transportation department of -- specific subheading
Dredging, see Lakes
Drinking water, see Water supply
Drivers' education
DOT to establish programs to increase number of individuals with CDLs; sunset provision [vetoed] - AB941
Drone (powered, aerial vehicle), see Aviation
Abortion-inducing drug regimen: informed consent requirements and hospital, clinic, or other facility reporting requirement [vetoed] - SB591
Epinephrine prefilled syringes: authorities for prescription, possession, and administration of epinephrine auto-injectors expanded to include; statewide standing order provision - Act 218
Intentional destruction of a vaccine or drug rendering it ineffective or unusable made a felony - Act 120
Multidistrict opiate litigation settlement: AG to cooperate with local governments; conditions specified - Act 57
Opioid and methamphetamine data system: DOA to establish, collect data from other departments, and submit report to JCF - Act 181
Pharmacists authorized to extend a prescription order: 2019 WisAct 185 provisions extended [vetoed] - AB1
Pharmacy benefit manager licensure requirements and regulations; cost-sharing limitation; specified disclosures to customers; notification of drug substitution - Act 9
Pharmacy technicians authorized to administer vaccines and specified drugs for adverse reactions; any health care provider authorized to administer vaccines may supervise pharmacy students administering vaccines; use of title “pharmacist” provision - Act 3
Prescription drug limits prohibition enacted in 2019 WisAct 185 reinstated [vetoed] - AB1
Third-party logistics providers: optional license created; Pharmacy Examining Board duties - Act 25
Third-party logistics providers: optional license created; Pharmacy Examining Board duties [vetoed] - AB1
Drugs — Criminal acts and law enforcement
Butane extraction used to manufacture marijuana or separate plant resin from marijuana plants: penalty revisions [vetoed] - AB440
Fentanyl and fentanyl analogs: felony penalties for manufacture, distribution, delivery, or possession revised - Act 179
Fentanyl testing strips excluded from definition of drug paraphernalia - Act 180
Drunken driving
Driver safety plan re intoxicated driver assessment: administrative rules modified to include medication-assisted treatment [Admin.Code DHS 62.07] - Act 155
Dunn County
Circuit courts designated to begin operation in 2021 [Sec. 413-416, 9107 (1), 9407 (1)] - Act 58
Dwelling or dwelling code, see Housing
Dyslexia, see Literacy
Exception to 40-year recording requirement for recorded access easements created - Act 174
Eau Claire County
DMA to use certain federal moneys for statewide public safety interoperable communications system, emergency services IP network contracts, and geographic information systems database; Building Commission to use certain federal moneys for psychiatric bed capacity expansion in certain hospitals [vetoed] - AB240
Economic assistance, see Public assistance
Economic Development Corporation, Wisconsin
Agricultural exports increase: DATCP and WEDC to submit 5-year proposal to JCF [Sec. 23, 24, 9102 (1)] [24, 9102 (1) -- vetoed] - Act 58
Agricultural exports program established; plan, report, and audit required - Act 92
Business development tax credit: report on unallocated tax benefit [Sec. 365] [vetoed] - Act 58
Cooperative feasibility studies grants from WEDC [Sec. 9149 (1)] - Act 58
Farmers and WEDC rural economic development programs: allocating certain federal moneys re COVID-19 pandemic [vetoed] - AB235
Laws administered by DOR: revisions re shared revenue, property assessment, income taxes, sales tax, and payments from counties to towns; income tax exemption for certain income and grants related to COVID-19 relief - Act 1
“Pro-Cop Wisconsin Campaign”: WEDC and DOJ to collaborate on marketing campaign; Governor to allocate federal moneys [vetoed] - AB831
Qualified new business venture: eligibility for angel and early stage seed investment tax credits revised - Act 224
Shovel-ready workforce development site program established [vetoed] - SB629
Talent attraction and retention initiatives: allocation of federal moneys to focus on veterans [vetoed] - AB888
Talent attraction and retention initiatives re 2021 WisAct 58: WEDC to submit expenditure plan to JCF [vetoed] - AB940
Talent attraction and retention initiatives [Sec. 9149 (2)] - Act 58
Verso Paper Mill and Park Falls Pulp and Paper Mill: loans for purchase of from certain federal moneys [vetoed] - AB367
Educational Service Agency, Cooperative
CESA employees may request wage payments over a 12-month period - Act 144
Actions for violations of election laws revisions re venue and filing a complaint [vetoed] - SB213
Election prohibitions re use of private resources for election administration, nonresidents counting or tabulating votes, and poll workers who are also employees of candidate groups, political organization, or issue advocacy group; Elections Commission and felony penalty provisions [vetoed] - AB173
Noncandidacy for incumbent local elected officials: public notice requirements - Act 33
Oversight of elections in this state: changes re federal funds, federal election guidance, registration and voting statistics, Elections Commission legal counsel, and archived copy of the registration list; reports and LAB duties [vetoed] - SB941
Voting at retirement homes and residential care facilities during public health emergency or infectious disease incident; use of private resources for election administration prohibited; election fraud committed by election officials expanded; appointment of poll workers prohibitions; municipal board of canvassers may recess under certain conditions [vetoed] - SB935
Elections — Ballots
Absentee ballot changes re application, indefinitely confined voter, automatic receipt, photo ID requirement, unsolicited mailing or transmission of application or ballot, and canvassing; completed electronic voter registration applications retained; Elections Commission and penalty provisions [vetoed] - SB204
Absentee ballot changes re applications, automatic receipt, photo ID requirement, unsolicited mailing or transmission of applications or ballots, and secure delivery; voter registration requirements and electronic voter registration provisions [vetoed] - SB939